pflupg-tool : unpack Philips SmartTV firmware
Posted on Fri 16 May 2014 in Tool
pflupg-tool is an
unpacking tool for Philips SmartTV firmware (Fusion platform). If
your firmware is encrypted, you have to provide the corresponding
public key (public exponent + modulus).
You can add public keys in pflupg.h file:
// { name, public exponent e (hex string), modulus n (hex string)}
static const char *public_keys[PUBLIC_KEYS_CNT][3] = {
{"my_key_1", "010001", "AABBCCDD"},
{"my_key_2", "010001", "010E020F"}
Usage: ./pflupg <upg_filename> [key_name]
2 keys available :
* my_key_1
* my_key_2
Source code can be found on GitHub. You'll need Libgcrypt library to compile it.